Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mid-Day Bitching.

Loud talking, near my desk, when there is a plethora of other space available in the office is not welcome or appreciated. Nor is excessive phlegm hacking, which scares me to the point of contemplating the purchase of a bio-hazard suit. 

PHEW. Now that I got that off my chest.

Trouble has told his last lie to me -- he's officially OUT as my dear Hetero Lifemate would say. Lifemate is so wise, always providing the best advice. BFF does the same, so let's not count her out. How hard is it to tell the truth? Apparently quite hard when you have more money than God and too much time on your hands -- I think Trouble needs that Millionaire Matchmaker bitch to kick his ass once or twice, would do him some good.

Never did go out with Fireman -- he thought it might be appropriate to compare me to his ex, I promptly lost his number. Additionally, anyone that does not realize that they can connect their iPhone to their computer cannot date me. I'm sorry.

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